Pride Land

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Pale Is The Lion
elix 10 216 by Ehntrix
Jul 14, 2009 17:20:13 GMT -8


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Pride Land
After the death of the previous king, Mufasa, his deceitful brother Scar took the throne. Since then, the Pride Land has seen a steady decline in living conditions, due to his poor rule. The Pride Land is dominated by a large central savannah area which branches off in three directions. To the north is Pride Rock, home of the lions and the seat of the world's political power. The area southwest of the savanna is where outcasts from Pride Rock, such as the hyenas, live. The skeletons of several large elephants earns this area its nickname, the Elephant Graveyard. Southeast of the savanna are the arid wastelands containing little life. Beyond the wastelands, however, is a lush oasis.
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